Sunday, November 24, 2013

Low Fat Poptarts

When I was in the cereal isle of Walmart, I came across these sitting with all the other Poptarts.. and I had to check a second time to make sure I read the box right, and sure enough it said Low Fat. Lol.So I had to pick them up. What I discovered was that these seem to have a more fluffy pastry, and more filling than normal poptarts. They're insanely good (aren't all poptarts?). So far I've seen them in Strawberry and Cinnamon and Brown Sugar. They also happen to be no more than 5% fat. :)

Now there are also Oatmeal ones, and they are at 8%... so if anyone is daring enough to test those out if you have Gallstones, please comment and let me know if you got an attack from them. I think they are pretty tasty as well.

Find these poptarts in a store near you!

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